PO Box 969, Warrenton, NC 27589

Fundraiser Raffle Winner Receives Heritage Quilters Giving Circle Quilt

We are incredibly grateful and humbled that 20/20 Sisters of Vision commissions the Heritage Quilters to design a quilt for their scholarship fundraiser. Read more below for details about the scholarship and this year’s winner.

Denise Rowson, 20/20 Sisters of Vision Co-President, congratulates Chris Gellilngs (right), winner of the 2021 Cynthia D. Brown Scholarship Fundraiser raffle. Ms. Gellings won the raffle prize, a quilt made by the Heritage Quilters Giving Circle of Warren and Vance County, North Carolina.

Proceeds from the raffle will fund the 2021 $500 scholarships awarded to a high school graduate accepted in a post-secondary program and a currently enrolled college or technical program student. The raffle was held on June 19, 2021.

Thank you to everyone who donated to this fundraiser.

Source: 2020sov.org